什麼是僱傭?什麼是委任?勞動法令如此複雜,因為不熟悉而踩線的代價又是如此昂貴。王琍瑩律師今天在 AppWorks 與大家分享聘僱本國與外國員工的流程、常見糾紛、以及分手的智慧,當然也有認真「賣台」,為大家說明由國發會提案,甫經立法院三讀通過的「外國專業人才延攬及僱用法」!
Navigating complex labor laws is often an arduous, and perhaps costly task if not executed properly. Familiarizing yourself with the proper labor authorities and relevant on-boarding/off-boarding processes beforehand will free up valuable time that would better directed towards running your company. Today at #AppWorks, Liying shared everything she knows about hiring and firing, including, of course, the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent” which is newly-enacted to make Taiwan a sexier place for global talents.